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đŸ‡Ș🇾 Jewels of al-Andalus tour in Spain : from Toledo to Andalusia

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Nous organisons ce voyage pour vos voyageurs ! Contactez-nous et nous serons heureux de réaliser votre projet. Vous aussi, comme de nombreuses associations, Tour opérateurs ou CSE, faites confiance à notre équipe et notre expertise sera dans vos valises !

+33(6) 46 57 89 73

Pourquoi voyager avec nous ?

  • Un excellent rapport qualitĂ©-prix!
  • Voyager et consommer Ă©thique !
  • DĂ©s sĂ©jours prĂ©parĂ©s et validĂ©s
  • Un accompagnement de qualitĂ©
  • ChĂšques vacances ANCV classic et connect acceptĂ©s.

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+33(6) 46 57 89 73

RĂ©servez ici vos hĂŽtels dans le monde entier

Achetez ici vos tickets d’entrĂ©e et visites

« Jewels of al-Andalus" Islamic heritage from Toledo to Andalusia
Toledo, Cordoba, Medina Azahara, Sevilla, Granada, Costa del Sol
  • All the year
  • 8 days min
  • Madrid
  • Guided visits & free time
  • Wifi
  • Time of prayer / mosques
  • Availaible in English, Arabic, French, Spanich (other langages possible)
  • Halal restaurants

We invite you to discover al-Andalus also outside the borders of Andalusia (current region of southern Spain) with Toledo located in Castile-la-Mancha (1 hour from Madrid) whose Arabic name is Tulaytulah. This is our favorite city, known for being the city of 3 religions and also and above all for its college of translators. It has many more Muslim vestiges than all the other cities of Andalusia, although it does not have the famous Alhambra or Great Mosque of Cordoba… But you will see its charm and its history will not leave you indifferent.

Among the stages that we suggest (not all of them will necessarily be considered, depending on the period of your trip…).

  • (islamic Madrid : option)
  • Toledo
  • Cordoba
  • Medina Azahara
  • Sevilla
  • Granada
  • et/ou Costa del Sol (Malaga or another place)
  • (Las Alpujarras : option)
Your highlights during the tour :

This itinerary will take you on a journey in the footsteps of the Arab-Muslim civilization of al-Andalus with guided tours of places where authenticity and wonders refer to a world of history and legends.

Beyond the mental borders you will discover al-Andalus in the alleys, in the Toledan synagogues & mosques, the Granada neighborhoods and their special atmosphere, the Cordovan ruins and religious buildings, but also the sand and the reliefs of Malaga.

  • Discover the wealthy legacy of Toledo, city of three religions
  • Stroll through the Alhambra Palaces and its gardens
  • Breathe the Mediterranean air, and taste fresh fish
  • Admire with nostalgia the great mosque of Cordoba
  • Meet welcoming locals Taste (Arab-)Andalusian culinary specialties
  • Stroll through the shopping streets
  • Sleep in different cities to enjoy even more free time and their nocturnal beauties
  • Pray Maghreb outdoors by the river in Toledo
  • Walk in the steep and typical streets of the al Albaicin
  • Climb the Giralda minaret in Sevilla
  • Enjoy a walk in the Spanish Steps


Program :

Day 0Islamic Madrid - Toledo

Visit of the islamic Madrid and free time in the capital.

Day 1Toledo

Visit of the arabic and islamic heritage of Toledo and free time in the city.

Day 2Toledo - Cordoba - Medina Azahara

Departure from Toledo.

Visit of the arabic and islamic heritage of Cordoba and Medina Azahara and free time in the city of Cordoba



Day 3Cordoba - Sevilla

Visit of the arabic and islamic heritage of Sevilla and free time in the city.

Day 4Granada

Visit of the arabic and islamic heritage of Granada and free time in the city.

Day 5Granada

Visit of the arabic and islamic heritage of Toledo or free time in the city.

Day 6Malaga or Costa del Sol

Visit of the arabic and islamic heritage of Costa del Sol and free time in the city (beach, shopping…)

Day 7Las Alpujarras

Visit of the arabic and islamic heritage of the mountains of Alpujarras

Jour 8airport

airport shuttle for the return

DĂ©tails et tarifs :

Le prix inclut :

  • ALL TRANSFERSComfortable autocar/bus
  • HOTELS 3*, 4* or 5*Chambres doubles ou triples en fonction de la composition du groupe et des disponibilitĂ©s au moment de la rĂ©servation
  • GUIDESEnglish/arabic/french/Spanich speaking local guide
  • Plusieurs LOCALITÉS : TolĂšde - Cordoue - Medina Azahara - Grenade - Las Alpujarras / Costa del SolPour varier les plaisir et voir de nouvelles choses !
  • 1 TOUR LEADER from our travel agency
  • TICKETSToledo Mosque, Toledo Sinagoga, Mosque of Cordoba, Medina Al-Zahra (Cordoba), Royal Alcazar (Seville), Alhambra Palaces and Garden (Granada)

Le prix n'inclut pas :

  • FLIGHTS NOT INCLUDED You have to arrange it.
  • The options
  • Free activities (boat, parasailing, dolfins, etc.)
  • All that is not mentionned in "the price includes"

Options :

  • Special halal Diner in a special place in Cordoba
Itinéraire / Carte


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  • Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim

    Thank you to Allah for allowing me to make this fabulous trip, for putting Fares and Soumia on my way. An exceptional couple who by their kindness, their good intentions and their good hearts allowed us by the grace of God to spend unforgettable moments. A cultural and spiritual journey that combines relaxation, faith, education, change of scenery, leisure and fraternity. Thanks to the choice of passionate, kind and professional guides. We made great acquaintances. We will be there inshallah for the next trip to Turkey. May Allah preserve you. Barakallahou fikum for everything!

    April 2019
  • Bismillah rahman Rahim,
    A spiritually and culturally rich stay, unforgettable fraternal exchanges. We were able to benefit from the knowledge and passion of our two guides, who immersed us in the history of our
    predecessors, in its good as its bad sides. The lessons and examples of our past should not remain pleasant or sad distant memories, but should be the engine of our community and individual development. May Allah reward Fares, Soumiah, the Develop’ment Center and all participants for this wonderful journey!

    April 2019
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